Bio-Energy Therapy
Simple and Effective Healing
Oisin Bio-Energy is a form of therapy that uses hands-on and hands-off techniques to:
- stimulate the body’s energy system
- bring about balance
- boost the immune system
- allow the body’s natural self-healing to take place.
It is practiced all over the world.
Our body wants to be in a healthy state but this can change over time. The stress of everyday life, poor food or lifestyle, lack of exercise or trauma limits our ability to switch off, rest, heal and recover.
When cells, organs and systems are operating out of balance, it opens the door for illness to set in in various forms such as tiredness, poor mood, pain, disease.
When the body’s energy is balanced and free- flowing, we can stay in a healthy state.
Our body works in a synchronised way, a bit like an orchestra. Each cell, organ or system plays its own individual role yet in an overall sense, they all follow one rhythm. If one area is out of tune, it affects the overall sound vibration or flow of the body.
Bio-Energy helps to restore the balance and harmony of the body.
This is not a substitute for medical advice or treatment.
Some Benefits: